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Showing posts with the label SSC

Dialogue for SSC

  Dialogue  1. Good effects of morning walk 2. Benefits of early rising 3. Importance of physical exercise 4. Uses and abuses of cell/mobile phone 5. Visiting interesting places in Dhaka city 6. Illiteracy eradication 7. Aims in life 8. Plan after SSC examination 9. Effects of load-shedding 10. About tree plantation 11. On coming/ensuing (Avmbœ) examination Or, The preparation for the exam 12. Environmental pollution 13. Doctor on your illness 14. You and a Bank Manager on opening a savings bank account 15. Massive food adulteration (Lv‡`¨ e¨vcK †fRvj) 16. Bad effects of smoking 17. Importance of learning English 18. Acquiring computer knowledge 19. Importance of reading newspaper 20. Use of time/ on importance of punctuality 21. Uses and abuses of facebook 22. Exciting cricket match 23. The Ekushey Book Fair 24. Earthquake 25. Climate change 26. City life and country/village/rural life 27. Eve-teasing 28. Computer club i...

Informal Letter for SSC

Informal Letter  বাংলা ফন্ট গুলো দেখা না গেলে Translate ব্যবহার করে বাংলা অর্থ করে নিতে পারো। Letter গুলো খাতা লেখার সময় ভাঙা ফন্ট গুলো বাদ দিয়ে লিখবা। 1. A letter to your friend thanking him for the present you have got.  2. A letter to your friend describing the picnic. 3. A E-mail to your friend telling him/her what you intend to do after S.S.C. examination. 4. A letter to your friend about the importance of learning English. 5. A letter to your friend about how you spent summer vacation. 6. A letter to your friend about your favourite game. 7. A letter to your friend thanking for his/her hospitality. 8. A letter to your friend describing ‘The Annual Sports Day’ 'Prize Giving Ceremony'. 9. A letter to your friend inviting him to the marriage ceremony. 10. A letter to your friend congratulating him/her for his/her brilliant success. 11. A letter to your friend describing the bad effects of smoking. 12. A letter to your friend describing the necessity ...