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Meherjan, Class 10, Model


Part A : Reading Test (Marks-50)

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it.                  Unit-5: Lesson-1(A)

Meherjan lives in a slum on the Sirajgonj Town Protection Embankment. Her polythene roofed shelter looks like a cage. She is nearly 45 but looks more than her age. In front of her shelter, she is trying to make a fire to cook the day’s only meal. Her weak hands tremble as she adds          some fallen leaves and straw to the fire. The whispering wind from the river Jamuna makes the fire unsteady. The dancing of the flames reminds Meherjan of the turmoil in her life.

Not long ago Meherjan had everything--- a family, cultivable land and cattle. The erosion of the Jamuna consumed gradually all her landed property. It finally claimed her last shelter during the last monsoon. It took the river only a day to demolish Meher’s house, trees, vegetable garden and the bamboo bush. She had a happy family once. Over the years, she lost her husband and her family to diseases that cruel hunger and poverty brought to the family. Now, she is the only one left to live on with the loss and the pain. The greedy Jamuna has shattered her dreams and happiness.

There are thousand others waiting to share the same fate with Meherjan.  Bangladesh is a land of rivers that affect its people. Erosion is a harsh reality for the people living along the river banks. During each monsoon many more villages are threatened by the roaring of rivers like the Jamuna, the Padma and the Meghna. It is estimated that river erosion makes at least 100,000 people homeless every year in Bangladesh. In fact, river erosion is one of the main dangers caused by climate change. If we can’t take prompt actions to adapt to climate change, there will be thousands of more Meherjans in our towns and villages every year.


Protection (cÖv‡UKkvb) n.- the act of saving something/somebody; wbivcËv; syn- defend; ant- attacker| Prompt (cÖgU&) adj.- done without delay; Awej¤^; syn- quick; Ant- lazy; idle; passive| Embankment (Bge¨vsK‡g›U) n.- a wall of stone or earth made to keep water back; euva-wbg©vY; syn- dam| Tremble (‡Uªgej) †Ku‡c IVv; syn- quiver; ant- steadiness| Turmoil (Uvi gqj) n.- a state of great anxiety and confusion; wek„•Ljv; syn- chaos; ant- calm| Threaten (‡_ªUb) n.- to say that you will cause trouble; hurt somebody; etc; fq †`Lv‡bv; syn- intimidate| Whisper (DBmcvi) v.- to speak very quietly to somebody so that other people cannot hear what you are saying; wdm&wdm&& K‡i ejv; syn- murmur; ant- shout| Unsteady (Avb‡÷wW) adj.- liable to fall or shake; Kígvb, Ujg‡j; syn- shaky; ant-steady| Flame (‡d¬Bg) n.- a hot bright stream of burning gas that comes from something that is on fire; AwMœwkLv; syn- brightness| Remind (wigvBb&W) v.- to help somebody remember something; ¯§iY Kwi‡q †`Iqv; syn- call up| Consume (KbwmDg) v.- to use something especially fuel; energy or time; e¨envi K‡i †kl Kiv; syn- use up| Claim (‡K¬Bg) i.- to demand or ask for something; `vwe Kiv; syn- demand| Demolish (wWgwjk) v.- to pull or knock down something. ‡f‡O †djv; Syn- bulldoze; ant- build up| Shatter (k¨vUvi) v.- to suddenly break into small pieces; PzY©-wePzY© Kiv; syn- crush| Harsh (nvi&k) adj.- cruel; severe and unkind; K‡Vvi; syn- rough; ant- kindly| Estimate (GmwU‡gBU) v.- to guess the cost; size; value; etc of something; Avbygvwb wn‡me Kiv/ g~j¨wePvi Kiv; syn- calculate| Adapt (A¨vWvcU) v.- to change something in order to make it suitable for a new use or situation; gvwb‡q †bIqv; syn- adjust| Roar (‡ivi) v.- to make a loud deep harsh sound; ¸i“M¤¢xi MR©b Kiv; syn- growl|

1.     Choose the best answer from the alternatives.                                                               1×7=7

        a.     Meherjan’s dreams and happiness are ¾ by the greedy river Jamuna.

                (i) destroyed            (ii) boosted                  (iii) flourished              (iv) mixed

        b.     Bangladesh is a land of ¾.

                (i) forests                 (ii) rivers                      (iii) the poor                 (iv) mosques

        c.     Every year river erosion makes people ¾.

                (i) poor                    (ii) rich                         (iii) homeless               (iv) happy

        d.     Meherjan lives in a slum _ to Sirajgonj Town Protection Embankment.

                (i) belongs                (ii) belonging               (iii) situated                  (iv) closed

        e.     Due to river erosion in Bangladesh, each year about ¾ people become homeless.

                (i) one lakh              (ii) one thousand          (iii) one million            (iv) ten thousand

        f.      Mejerjan looks aged because of ¾.

                (i) maltreatment       (ii) deprivation             (iii) her age                  (iv) illness

        g.     People ¾ near the river banks are the victims of river erosion.

                (i) living                   (ii) live                         (iii) stay                       (iv) migrating

        Extra Practices

        h.     The greedy Jamuna took only ¾ to demolish everything of Meherjan.

                (i) a week                 (ii) a day                      (iii) a month                 (iv) an hour

        i.      The shelter of Meherjan is ¾ roofed.

                (i) wood                   (ii) polythene               (iii) tin                          (iv) iron and cement

        j.      The fire is made unsteady by the wind from the ¾.

                (i) Padma                 (ii) Meghna                  (iii) Jamuna                  (iv) Buriganga

        k.     Meherjan lives in ——.

                (i) a town                 (ii) a village                  (iii) a slum                   (iv) a footpath

        l.      Her dreams and happiness are shattered by ——.

                (i)     Padma              (ii)    Meghna                (iii) Jamuna                  (iv)   Surma

        m.    Dancing of the flame means ——.

                (i)     a traditional form of folk dance

                (ii)    a flame that makes people dance around it

                (iii)   a flame that is made unstable by the blast of air

                (iv)   a flame made by people to remember their pasts

        n.     Each year about —— became homeless due to river erosion in Bangladesh.

                (i)     one lakh people                                   (ii)    ten thousand people

                (iii)   ten million people                                (iv)   one crore people

        o.     Landed property means ——.

                (i)     a rented piece of land                          (ii)    a piece of land on the bank of a river.

                (iii)   property in the form a source of income to its owner

                (iv)   property used only an agricultural farm

        p.     What does the dancing of the flames remind Meherjan?

                (i)     happiness         (ii)    sadness                (iii)   discipline             (iv)   turinoil in her life

        q.     Who did consume all her land property?

                (i)     the dancing of the flames                    (ii)    the whispering wind

                (iii)   the last monsoon                                  (iv)   the erosion of the Jamuna

2.     Answer the following questions.                                                                                  2×5 = 10

        a.     Where does Meherjan live?

        b.     What is river erosion?

        c.     What things did Meherjan have not long ago?

        d.     What makes her homeless?

        e.     How many people become homeless annually due to river erosion?

        Extra Practices

        f.      Why does she look more than her age?

        g.     How does her shelter look like?

        h.     What was she doing in front of her shelter?

        i.      What does the dancing of the flames remind Meherjan?

        j.      What should we do to save our Meherjans?

        k      What does happen in front of her slum?

        l.      What had Meherjan had one day?

        m.    How many people become homeless every year?

        n.     Who has shattered Meherjan's dreams and happiness?


Anonymous said…
Rifat ssc
Asha SSC said…
traffic jam paragraph deben